Useless Hack a Week.

An Introduction to "Useless Hack a Week"

Cover Image for An Introduction to "Useless Hack a Week"

If you like shitty projects, clap your hands clap clap

If you like shitposting, clap your hands clap clap

If you like tech tutorials with a mix of social commentary, if you like streams of conciousness, clap your hands

clap clap


I'm pretty sure everyone is writing blogs these days, but a lot of them are boring. Some are really entertaining, and that's the kind of content I aspire to produce. Not necessarily useful things for everyday life, in fact, the majority of content I plan on writing here will be relatively useless, at least in principle.

Useless Hack a Week

The goal of this blog is to come up with a stupid ass idea once a week and walk through the journey it took to get from crap idea to prototype. I hope it's as entertaining for you as it is to me. Maybe my sense of humor just sucks though.


I don't know, honestly, a friend of mine and myself came up with the idea one day several years ago, and I finally bit the bullet. I hope to somewhat inspire people to find programming/engineering fun through inane and insane ideas. It's the ridiculous stuff that usually sticks with you, not the snoozers after all.